
200 years: Senate celebrates anniversary remembering Brazilian history from the perspective of the Legislature


The mix of history and technology helps the Senate tell the story of the Casa do Povo with more interaction.

The exhibition “Senate 200 Years: Connecting Past and Future” will open this Tuesday (10), at 3:30 pm, in the Black Room of the Congress Palace.

For Ilana Trombka, general director of the Senate, the history of the Upper House is mixed with the history of Brazil. “Through these 200 years of the Senate, we want to explain to people the history of Brazil, the history of the Legislature, talk about democracy and participation to show that it is interesting to study this.”

The characteristics of the House were also covered in the exhibition, such as the mission of ensuring balance between powers.

Historian José Dantas states that the Senate, since its inauguration, has been made up of politicians with extensive experience in public life. “It is difficult for a person to have the Senate as their first parliamentary term. Normally, he spends time in the Chamber and in other positions of leadership within Brazilian society”.

One of the strategies used to narrate the facts was artificial intelligence. With it, the exhibition accesses different places, such as, for example, the moment of signing of the 1891 Constitution, the first of the Brazilian Republic.

Artificial intelligence has brought life and movement to what was once a static record of history.

The exhibition features models of the three Federal Senate palaces: Conde dos Arcos and Monroe (located in Rio de Janeiro) and the National Congress, in Brasília.

In addition, antiques are also on display, such as sideboards, chairs, busts of historical figures and silver urns, monumental chandeliers and a part of the stained glass window with the allegorical representation of the Proclamation of the Republic, from 1930.

Exhibition “Senate 200 Years: Connecting Past and Future”

  • Opening: September 10, 2024, at 3:30 pm
  • Period: September 10 to December 10, 2024
  • Time: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm – last entry at 4:30pm
  • Local: Black Room of the National Congress

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.