
After anti-STF package, government supporters fear new defeat with Amnesty PL


After reaching the powers of the (STF), government deputies fear a new defeat in the vote on the bill that would amnesty people involved in the act of January 8 last year.

The assessment is that it can be approved by the Chamber’s Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ), where the opposition has managed to impose itself.

The project forgives anyone who participated, made donations or supported the January 8th attacks through social media, for example.

Allies of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) say that the text could benefit former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in some way, which the .

“We will seek to convince parliamentarians that it is unreasonable for the CCJ to vote on a matter like this, which is blatantly unconstitutional”, declared deputy Helder Salomão (PT-ES).

If we set this precedent, we will tear up the Constitution and send the following signal to the Brazilian population: you can commit crimes, you can invade the headquarters of Power, defend the closure of Congress and military intervention, and everything is fine. You can try to blow up Brasília airport and, look, you’ll be amnestied

Helder Solomon


Last week, after a request for a review – more time to analyze the matter. However, the movement on the part of the government supporters was already expected and has a regimental basis. Therefore, it did not come as a surprise.

To return to the CCJ agenda, two deliberative plenary sessions must be held.

Member of the government base, deputy Chico Alencar (PSOL-RJ) assesses that the opposition has a majority in the CCJ and, therefore, the project should not encounter difficulties in being approved. However, the congressman says he hopes that the government “will be interested and mobilize its base” to try to block the text from progressing.

“This is a ‘fake amnesty’. In fact, a safe passage for new attacks on our already fragile Democratic State of Law”, Alencar told CNN.

Next steps

The president of the CCJ, Caroline De Toni (PL-SC), a member of the opposition, awaits the definition of the next plenary meetings to define the commission’s agenda. It is up to the President of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), to call the sessions.

The project’s rapporteur is deputy Rodrigo Valadares (União-SE). The congressman planned to vote on the text next week, but, since Tuesday (8), the plenary had no deliberations.

To guide the text, De Toni also considers the influence of succession to the presidency of the Chamber in the case. For her, the debate on the project was about the dispute over who will be Lira’s new successor. This is because the advancement of the proposal was placed by some deputies as a condition for supporting candidates.

If approved by the CCJ, the text will go to the plenary for analysis, where a simple majority of votes is required to be approved.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.