
American professor Walt: Putin was right in four points regarding the situation in Ukraine


According to Stephen Walt, professor of international relations at Harvard University, Russian President Vladimir Putin was right in four important points regarding the situation in Ukraine.

The professor expressed this opinion in an article for the American magazine Foreign Policy.

What Putin was right about

First of all, the professor noted Russia’s successes in overcoming Western sanctions.

According to him, when starting the special operation in Ukraine, Putin was convinced that Russia would withstand any sanctions.

And he still proved he was right, – Walt writes in an article for.

Secondly, according to the professor, the President of the Russian Federation correctly judged that the Russian people would agree with the course he had chosen and would treat the costs with understanding.

Thirdly, the author of the article notes, Putin understood that other countries, following their own interests, would not condemn him everywhere.

Walt noticed that only the United States and Europe reacted decisively and sharply.

Some other prominent countries did not do this, – states the author of the article.

Fourth and, the professor believes, the most important thing: the Russian president correctly understood that the fate of Ukraine is more important than Russia, and not the West.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.