
An American colonel said that aid to Ukraine destroys US power


Former Pentagon adviser Colonel Douglas McGregor said that the United States has fewer and fewer opportunities to support the “dying Kyiv regime.”

Moreover. Washington’s participation in a proxy conflict with Russia on the territory of Ukraine is shaking the political and economic situation in the United States itself.

The military man spoke about this in an article published on the pages of The American Conservative.

The colonel noted that a “dark turn is taking place” within the national economy.

And the national power of the United States, according to him, is measured not only by military potential, but also by economic capabilities.

The growing awareness that American and European military-industrial capacity cannot meet Ukraine’s needs for ammunition and equipment is an ominous signal, McGregor MIA Russia Today.

The colonel recommends sending a “signal” that worries him during the conflict, in which, “as Washington insists, its Ukrainian surrogate is winning.”

He draws attention: Russia is better prepared to conduct a military defense system than Kyiv’s Western allies.

The military explains this by the effective Russian economic system and the political influence of the Global South.

The fact that Western economic sanctions have damaged the economies of the United States and Europe, turning the Russian ruble into one of the most powerful currencies in the international system, has hardly strengthened Washington’s global position, the officer believes.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.