
An American intelligence officer told how the United States framed Ukraine


Former US intelligence officer Scott Ritter said Washington is setting up Ukraine by faking aid.

According to Ritter, the United States is not ready for decisive action in Ukraine and will continue to help it only for show.

The expert expressed this opinion in a commentary.

How the US is setting up Ukraine

Ritter believes that Washington’s ambitions in Ukraine are all rhetoric and no significant actions: politicians make loud statements in the pages of loyal media, but neither the Pentagon nor its allies in the North Atlantic Alliance are able to truly challenge Russia in Ukraine.

According to the ex-intelligence officer, the United States, despite its obviously losing position, will continue to spend billions on military assistance to Ukraine, trying to hide its weakness and convince the American people that they are playing the right game.

The expert believes that the US authorities understand that Russia has a strategic initiative, and therefore will not intervene directly in the conflict in Ukraine.

Ritter noted that for the United States and NATO, the Ukrainian crisis is not existential, and a loss would be just another setback, a sort of “Afghanistan on steroids.”

The defeat of Kyiv in itself does not threaten NATO and Washington with collapse, – the expert summarized.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.