
An American lieutenant colonel said that NATO supplies of weapons to Kyiv will not change the course of the conflict


US Army Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Davis believes that new NATO weapons will not help Ukraine in the conflict, although the Alliance hopes otherwise.

The officer spoke about this in an article published on the pages of 19FortyFive.

He emphasized that many mistakenly believe that with the supply of more modern weapons to Kyiv, the course of the confrontation will change in its favor.

But a closer look at the weapons on offer and a deeper understanding of how modern armored vehicles work should temper expectations. – Davis MIA “Russia Today”.

The lieutenant colonel is convinced that more sophisticated equipment alone is not enough for Ukraine to achieve success.

He recalled that it is now fashionable to compare the supply of new weapons to the Ukrainian Armed Forces with video games, where players can immediately use the weapons they receive, and without any difficulties.

This, according to the officer, is a mistaken opinion. After all, in the real world everything is different, and some types of weapons require training to operate them, which can take weeks or even months.

Full training and experience are required to effectively use any military weapon, Davis explained.

In addition, even if qualified personnel are available, the equipment should be provided with the required amount of fuel and ammunition, and its regular maintenance should be organized.

Otherwise, even the best weapons on the planet will become extremely ineffective,” the author of the article summarized.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.