
Analysis: Country on fire exacerbates division between agriculture and environment | Blogs


The record number of fires in the country has intensified an old conflict between agribusiness and environmentalists.

One side points out that the climate crisis is responsible: agriculture.

The other side claims that a significant part of the sector, or as they like to call it, modern agribusiness, is already dedicated to good environmental practices.

Furthermore, he argues that the fires are to blame for the inaction of an elected government that promised a green agenda, but which literally spread ashes across the country.

Any solution to the climate crisis in the country requires a reconciliation between these two groups, whether in the structuring of the recently announced Climate Authority, in the definition of targets for cutting gas emissions, or in the form of compensation to contain deforestation.

So far, there is no sign of reconciliation.

It’s another fire for the country to put out.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.