
Analysis: fulfilling orders and sending information could pave the way for the return of X | Blogs


Compliance with and sending information about the legal status of X, fines owed, open orders and the possibility of accessing the network can pave the way for the functioning of the social network in Brazil to be reestablished.


The first point seems to have been put into practice last week. Analyst Caio Junqueira showed on Thursday (19) that Elon Musk was convinced by his legal team that it is necessary and authorized the restriction of profiles on the social network as ordered by the minister.

This confirmation, however, will only come with information provided by the Federal Police, the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) and the Judiciary Secretariat of the STF. The PF and Anatel must send reports to the minister on the continued possibility of accessing the platform.

The Judicial Secretariat of the STF must detail to Moraes the list of court orders pending compliance by X in all investigations underway in court that are under the minister’s report.

Most of the fines would have been paid from the bank accounts and financial assets of X and Starlink. One in the last few days.

But the situation of X’s financial disputes with Brazilian Justice will only become clear after the survey, by the Judiciary Secretariat of the STF, of the total amount of the fine owed by the company’s then legal representative in Brazil at the time of the disrespect for court orders.

Now representing the company’s interests in Brazil still depends on sending additional documents to the STF. The paperwork sent to Moraes on Friday (20) was considered insufficient.

The office that claims to represent the company must present the original corporate powers of attorney granted by the partners of the company’s controlling companies to the lawyer “duly notarized and consularized”.

The Brief Report Form issued by the Commercial Board of the State of São Paulo proving the appointment of the new legal representative in Brazil must also be sent. Furthermore, the Federal Revenue Service and the Central Bank must inform the current legal status of X’s representation in the country.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.