
Anderson Torres will give new testimony to the PF this Monday (14) about the PRF blitz in the elections


Former Justice Minister Anderson Torres will give, this Monday (14), a new statement to the Federal Police (PF) during the second round of the 2022 presidential elections.

Torres’ testimony is scheduled for the afternoon and will be the first since he spoke about the case.

Torres was Minister of Justice in the government of Jair Bolsonaro (PL) at the time of the events — and, consequently, hierarchical superior of the PRF.


The PF is investigating whether there was an orchestrated action to prevent voters likely to vote for the then candidate Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) — who beat Bolsonaro — from reaching polling places in the Northeast. More than 2,000 blockades were carried out in the region by the PRF, commanded at the time by Silvinei Vasques, also indicted.

In August, the former minister, in addition to Vasques and four other federal police officers, were .

The indictment, sent to the Federal Supreme Court (STF), points to evidence of a crime based on article 359-P of the Penal Code, which penalizes anyone who restricts, prevents or hinders, through the use of physical violence, the exercise of political rights by any person. due to national origin.

At the time, the PF also asked the Court for more time to continue the investigations and, finally, present the conclusive report.

First statement

In May last year, Anderson Torres reported on the case.

He told investigators that he had received from Marília Alencar, former director of intelligence at the ministry, a survey on the results of the first round of elections. Torres, however, denied that he shared the document with the PRF or PF.

The state of Bahia registered an advantage in votes for Lula, in the dispute against Bolsonaro, both in the first and second electoral rounds.

The former minister days before the second round, according to documents revealed by CNN in May last year. According to him, however, the trip was to visit works at the Bahian PF Superintendency. A photo with Torres and other PF members wearing construction helmets, in front of the building, is cited as evidence by the defense.

The investigation’s suspicion, however, is that the trip was used for Torres to guide the actions that the police would take on election day. The former minister denied any “determination” for joint action by the PF and PRF of Bahia in roadblocks.

Vasques’ statement

The former director of the PRF was interviewed via videoconference on Monday (7).

According to sources linked to the investigation, Vasques about the election results. Alencar was also interrogated again.

In the case of the former director of the PRF, investigators believe that the indictment will be maintained.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.