
André Mendonça is the action rapporteur on Silvio Almeida at the STF


Minister André Mendonça is the rapporteur at the Federal Supreme Court (STF) against the former Minister of Human Rights.

The Federal Police sent the request to assess competence in the case to the STF this Thursday (12). Now, it is up to Mendonça to decide whether the case will go to the first instance or whether the former minister will have jurisdiction in the Court.

A crime report was opened by the comparison on September 5th, the same date on which the accusations against Almeida were revealed. At the time, he still held the position of minister. His dismissal by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) took place the following day.

and asks for the facts to be presented so that there is the possibility of defending them within the legal process.

Questions about competence

As shown by the CNNthere is the Court’s competence to supervise the investigation against Almeida.

State ministers have jurisdiction in the Supreme Court, but Silvio Almeida no longer holds the position since Friday (6).

In the event that any authority with jurisdiction remains in the STF, the alleged crime must have been committed during and because of the position.

There is a movement in the Court to expand this rule, in order to also involve authorities who have left office with jurisdiction.

The case

A confirmed, on September 5, that it had received complaints of sexual harassment against Silvio Almeida.

According to a statement, the victims were assisted through the organization’s service channels and received psychological and legal support.

“As often happens in cases of sexual violence involving aggressors in positions of power, these victims faced difficulties in obtaining institutional support to validate their complaints. Therefore, they authorized the confirmation of the case to the press”, says the document.

The case was initially published by the “Metrópoles” portal, which named the Minister of Racial Equality, Anielle Franco, as one of the victims. THE CNN found that she reported, to members of the government, that she had been the target of harassment.

According to the organization, which works to welcome victims of sexual violence around the world, these victims — especially when the aggressors are powerful or influential figures — often face obstacles in obtaining support and having their voices heard.

“The complaint is the first step towards holding an aggressor legally responsible, demonstrating that no one is above the law, regardless of their social, economic or political position”, completes the text.

For Me Too, reporting an aggressor in a position of power helps break the cycle of impunity that often protects them. “Public reporting exposes abusive behavior that is sometimes covered up by institutions or networks of influence.”

A CNN found that at least four cases of sexual harassment were brought to Me Too. Ten reports of moral harassment were also made against Silvio Almeida at the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship.

*With information from Gabriela Prado and Lucas Mendes, from CNN

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.