
Austrian Chancellor supported Brazil’s peace initiative on Ukraine


Austrian Prime Minister Karl Nehammer supported the peace initiative for Ukraine by Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

The Austrian Chancellor made a corresponding statement on July 18 on the sidelines of the summit of the European Union and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean Countries.

The broadcast was carried out on the website of the European Commission.

What Nehammer said

Speaking about the peace initiative proposed by the Brazilian President, Nehammer said that he, as the head of government of a neutral country, believes that it is necessary to support the peace initiatives coming from Brazil.

Because the war must end one day – added the Chancellor of Austria.

Referring to the topic that summit participants cannot agree on the text of the draft declaration due to disagreements on wording regarding the position on the conflict in Ukraine, Nehammer said that negotiations are continuing and that “everything is fine.”

Let us recall that at the end of February, the President of Brazil said that the United States and Europe should start talking about a peaceful settlement in Ukraine, and not encourage the conflict.

He called on countries not involved in the confrontation in Ukraine to take responsibility for promoting peace negotiations and provide Russia with minimal conditions to end the conflict.

The Brazilian leader also proposed creating a format similar to the G20 to discuss the situation in Ukraine.

The British edition of the Financial Times, citing Brazilian Foreign Minister Maura Vieira, reported that the Brazilian President wants to propose the creation of a “peace club” with the participation of China.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.