
Biden: The United States will support Ukraine’s efforts to return territories annexed to Russia


US President Joseph Biden said that Washington will support Ukraine’s efforts to return the territories annexed to Russia.

This is stated in a written statement from Biden released on September 30 by the White House.

US position

Biden said that the United States, as it has repeatedly warned before, does not intend to recognize the annexation of the DPR, LPR, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions to Russia and continue to recognize Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

The American leader pledged support for Ukraine’s efforts to regain territory annexed by Russia by strengthening Kyiv’s diplomatic and military position, including through the provision of $1.1 billion in additional aid announced last week.

Biden noted that the new anti-Russian sanctions of the United States and the European Union included those who provide political or economic support for the accession of Ukrainian regions to the Russian Federation.

The US President said that Washington will agitate the international community to condemn the annexation of Ukrainian regions to the Russian Federation and intends to hold Russia accountable.

According to Biden, Russia’s actions are an attempt to annex the sovereign territory of Ukraine, a violation of international law, a violation of the Charter of the United Nations and a demonstration of contempt for peaceful countries around the world.

The American president also promised that Washington will continue to supply Kyiv with the military equipment necessary for self-defense.

Despite Russia’s blatant attempts to change the borders of its neighbor, noted in the statement.

Biden appealed to the international community to reject the annexation of Ukrainian regions to Russia and to support the Ukrainian people as long as necessary.

Let us recall that today Russian President Vladimir Putin and the heads of the republics of Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions solemnly signed agreements in the Kremlin on the inclusion of these regions into Russia.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.