
Blinken Kulebe: Washington will support Ukraine’s attempts to regain control over its territories


During the past negotiations between the US Secretary of State and the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Washington promised Kyiv support in attempts to regain control over the lost territories.

The message of the American president was conveyed by Antony Blinken. The issue of providing military assistance to Kyiv was also discussed.

Blinken assured Dmitry Kuleba that Washington will continue to support Ukraine in military and diplomatic relations, MIA reports.

Washington’s position

The Secretary of State reiterated President Biden’s message that the United States will always respect Ukraine’s internationally recognized borders, and we will continue to support Ukraine’s attempts to regain control over its territories, strengthening its position both militarily and diplomatically, the agency quotes an excerpt from the statement.

At the same time, during the negotiations the issue of providing assistance to official Kyiv was discussed.

In particular, the $1.1 billion allocated by the Biden administration, as well as the possibility of exporting Ukrainian grain “to meet the needs of those most in need around the world.”

The issue of safety of nuclear facilities in Ukraine was also raised.


Let us recall that according to the results of the referendum held from September 23 to 27 in the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, these territories became part of the Russian Federation.

Vladimir Putin signed agreements on the admission of new territories to the Russian Federation on September 30.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.