
Bloomberg: the world may doubt the reliability of the United States due to disputes about support for Ukraine


Disputes between Democrats and Republicans in the US Congress over support for Ukraine could cast doubt on Washington’s reliability in the eyes of its European and Asian partners.

Bloomberg writes about this.

Why the world may doubt the reliability of the United States

According to Bloomberg, disagreements between Republicans and Democrats on the issue of support for Ukraine may cause concern among US partners in Europe and Asia, who count on Washington’s leadership and support in the confrontation with Russia and China.

As Max Bergmann, an expert at the Washington Center for Strategic and International Studies, told the agency, the confrontation between Democrats and Republicans undermines the overall reliability of the United States in relation to allies around the world.

According to the expert, everyone who relies on US security guarantees may experience a shock.

Tokyo, Seoul, Canberra, not to mention Taipei, will experience a shock: the Americans cannot be relied upon because they are not serious, – Bergmann stated.

Bloomberg notes that the attention of observers was attracted by the statement of US President Joseph Biden, who accused the Republicans of playing tag with the country’s national security, urging them to approve the provision of $106 billion to support Israel and Ukraine.

According to the agency, analysts considered the linking of domestic policy demands in Biden’s speech to foreign policy priorities as a troubling precedent.

Especially when the United States supposedly supports democracy against an aggressor seeking to undermine American influence – writes.

Earlier it became known that a bill to provide assistance to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan in the amount of $106 billion did not pass a procedural vote in the Senate. The bill provided for the allocation of $61 billion to Ukraine.

The issue of starting a discussion of the document was put to a vote in the Senate. If it received 60 votes, the Senate would proceed to consider it. However, 49 senators were in favor of consideration, and 51 were against.

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Vadim M
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