
Candidates for mayor spent more than R$30 million on the production of radio, TV and video programs, points out TSE


Less than a month before the first round of municipal elections, candidates for mayor of cities across Brazil spent more than R$168 million in electoral campaignsaccording to accounts provided to the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) until this Sunday (8).

About 80%, i.e. more than R$130 millionthese expenses were paid with public money from the Party Fund and the Special Campaign Financing Fund.

The biggest expense for mayoral candidates is the production of radio, television or video programswith almost R$34 million spent. The list of expenses includes:

  • Advertising through printed materials R$32 million
  • Services provided by third parties R$23 million
  • Boosting content on the internet R$ 15 million
  • Sticker advertising R$ 11 million
  • Legal services R$8 million
  • Donations to other candidates and parties R$4 million

The largest provider of services to candidates was Facebook, with more than R$9 million in accounts.

O União Brasil is the party with the highest spending for mayoral candidates this year — and concentrates almost R$28 million in expenses. Following are:

  • Liberal Party (PL) R$21 million
  • Brazilian Democratic Movement (MDB) R$20 million
  • Workers’ Party (PT) R$ 18 million
  • Democratic Labor Party (PDT) R$ 14 million
  • Social Democratic Party (PSD) R$ 14 million
  • Republicans R$9 million
  • Brazilian Social Democracy Party (PSDB) R$9 million

Law No. 9,504/97, which establishes rules for elections, contains in articles 17 to 32 the requirement for electoral accountability. You candidates are required to account in the Electoral Accountability System (SPCE-Cadastro), a program developed by the Electoral Court.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.