
China refused to continue negotiations with the United States on nuclear weapons – State Department


It recently became known that China has refused further negotiations with the United States on the issue of nuclear weapons control.

This happened following a meeting held in November last year.

The relevant information, disseminated by Western media, such as MIA Rossiya Segodnya, came from representatives of the American State Department.

Unfortunately, the PRC refused a subsequent meeting and did not give a meaningful response to the options we proposed, – Foreign Ministry employees quote the statement from the publication.

And the representative of the Chinese embassy in the United States, Liu Pengyu, suggested that Washington abandon its “megaphone diplomacy.”

He also called on nuclear-weapon states to significantly reduce their arsenals so that dialogue on relevant arms control could continue.

Let us add that in November 2023, the United States and China held their first meeting in almost 5 years to discuss the above-mentioned issue.

As the media wrote at the time, the event did not bring any significant results, but the negotiations were perceived as small progress in relations between the two countries.

Previously, the Pentagon clashed over Ukraine.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.