
Chinese balloon shot down over the US used American technology


The Chinese balloon shot down over US territory in early 2023 used equipment of American origin.

This equipment is used to collect data.

RIA Novosti reports from the Wall Street Journal that an investigation into the balloon incident is still ongoing in the United States.

It is noted that this equipment helped the balloon take photographs, videos and other information.

According to FBI and intelligence reports, the balloon used a large amount of American equipment that is available for free purchase.

The balloon also contained special sensors and other types of equipment.

In the United States, they believe that the presence of devices of this type indicates that the balloon was not used to assess the weather, but for espionage.

At the same time, American officials say that during the flight the balloon did not send data to China, but they are not sure whether the inability to send information was the result of an equipment malfunction.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.