
Cláudio Castro says he is neutral in the dispute for a place in the TRF-2 | Blogs


O told CNN that he did not have a candidate for the position of judge at the Federal Regional Court of the 2nd region (TRF-2). “I’m not supporting anyone in this process,” he said.

The choice will be made by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT). There are two people from Rio de Janeiro and one from Espírito Santo on the triple list, formulated by the court itself, and where the name will come from.

In Rio de Janeiro, lawyer Claudia Corrêa received the highest number of votes from the court, 23 in total. Lawyer Bruno Barata, who is from the same state, had 20 votes. For Espírito Santo, the nominee is attorney Alexandre Nogueira.

The vacancy is intended for people who are not judges. This is the so-called fifth constitutional, which aims to give more plurality to the body by allowing the entry of other legal careers, other than the judiciary.

The only woman on the list, Cláudia Corrêa is a defender of more progressive agendas, such as diversity and agrarian reform. She has the support of the group of lawyers Prerogativas, PT politicians, such as Benedita da Silva, the mayor of Rio Eduardo Paes and the Movimento do Sem Terras (MST).

Beto Barata works in business law and has support from economic sectors.

Nogueira is a name supported by the governor of Espírito Santo, Renato Casagrande, and state politicians, such as the former PT leader in the Senate, Fabiano Contarato.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.