
Dino gives CGU 60 days to expand survey of municipalities that received the most amendments


Minister Flávio Dino, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), gave 60 days for the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU) to expand the survey of Brazilian municipalities that received the most parliamentary amendments per inhabitant.

The data refers to the years 2020 to 2023 for the rapporteur (RP9) and committee (RP8) amendments. The six cities that benefited most from the funds must be presented, in each region of Brazil.

The measure was taken so that the data represents a more comprehensive picture of the regional reality.

This is because, initially, the minister had only determined the survey of the ten municipalities that received the most amendment funds per inhabitant. .

Of the ten, six municipalities are in the North region (five in Amapá and one in Tocantins). On the other hand, the Central-West and South regions have only one municipality each, in the states of Goiás and Santa Catarina, respectively. No cities in the Southeast appeared.

According to Dino, it is necessary to have a “better assessment of the impacts of the lack of transparency and traceability” in the implementation of amendments RP9 and RP8. Therefore, “it is necessary to expand the sampling of municipalities, so that a more balanced federative diagnosis can be reached”.

According to the minister, the increase in sampling will make it possible to have an understanding “of the effects of the so-called ‘secret budget’ and the maintenance, or not, of such budgetary practices after the STF’s judgment”.

After collecting the data, Dino will schedule a specific hearing to discuss the topic.

The minister is the rapporteur of actions in the Supreme Court that discuss the constitutionality of parliamentary amendments.


According to the report, the ten cities listed received – in total – R$330.3 million in parliamentary amendments from 2020 to 2023. The municipalities together have 61.4 thousand inhabitants.

Five of the ten cities are located in Amapá. The State is the stronghold of Senator Randolfe Rodrigues (PT-AP), leader of the government in the National Congress, and Senator Davi Alcolumbre (União Brasil-AP), one of those considered to succeed the President of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG) .

The leader of the ranking is Tartarugalzinho (AP). With a population of 12,945 inhabitants, the city had, in committed value of amendments, R$ 87,578,334.73.

The survey only considered the committee’s (RP8) and rapporteur’s (RP9) amendments, which do not have an authoritative characteristic. According to the report, from 2020 to 2022, the resources allocated to the sample municipalities came only from the rapporteur’s amendments, while in 2023, all resources came only from the commission’s amendments.


The committee amendments, identified in the Budget as RP 8, are indicated by the permanent thematic committees of the Chamber and the Senate. The execution of these resources, however, is not mandatory.

According to the report, the CGU identified that there was a tendency for the amount allocated to commission amendments to grow after the STF declared, in 2022, the unconstitutionality of the rapporteur’s amendments (RP9), which became known as the “secret budget”.

This year, these amendments represent R$15.54 billion in the Budget. In 2023, the value for the modality was R$6.9 billion.

Parliamentary amendments are the subject of a series of negotiations involving the Federal Government and Congress. Changes in transfers began to be debated after the STF suspended payments until greater transparency and traceability measures were adopted.

On August 20, representatives of the Three Powers agreed on general guidelines to provide more transparency to resources. In relation to commission amendments, it was decided that the transfers should be allocated to projects of national or regional interest, defined “by mutual agreement” between the Legislative and Executive.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.