
Don’t change institutions that are working, says Barroso after anti-STF package advances in the Chamber


The president of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), minister Roberto Barroso, said this Thursday (10) that the Court “served well” the country and that it “does not interfere” in institutions that are operating due to “political interests” and circumstances electoral.

The speech was made at the opening of the plenary session of the Supreme Court, one day after a package of measures that restrict the powers of the Supreme Court was approved by the Chamber’s Constitution and Justice Committee.

“We decide the most divisive issues in Brazilian society, in a plural world. There is no unanimity”, he stated. “However, there is no change in institutions that are functioning and fulfilling their mission well due to the injunctions of circumstantial political interests and electoral cycles”, he added.

According to Barroso, Constitutions exist so that “permanent values ​​are not affected by the passions of each moment”.

“We here remain firm in defending democracy, pluralism and independence and harmony between the Powers”, he declared.

Barroso said that the Supreme Court is “prone to errors and is subject to criticism and improvement measures”, like “every human institution”.

“However, if the purpose of a Constitution is to ensure majority rule, the rule of law and fundamental rights, and if its guardian is the Supreme Court, we arrive at the comforting conclusion that the Court fulfilled its role and served good for the country in these 36 years of validity of the 1988 Charter”.

“We do not aspire to unanimity, because it does not exist in a plural society. Single thinking is a dictatorship”, declared the president of the STF.

Anti-STF package

On Wednesday (9), the Chamber’s Constitution and Justice Committee approved proposals and projects that allow Congress to suspend STF decisions and that

Once approved, the proposals need to be analyzed by a specific committee, which must still be created and installed. If it passes in the Chamber without changes in the special committee and in the plenary,

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.