
Driver arrested for ramming Buckingham Palace gates


Recently it became known about an extremely serious incident that occurred in the capital of Great Britain.

There, on Saturday night, March 9, 2024, a car crashed into the gates of Buckingham Palace.

Perhaps the accident would have remained ordinary if not for the fact that the car rammed the gates of the official London residence and headquarters of the British monarchs.

The driver has already been detained, – MIA Rossiya Segodnya with reference to the Daily Express, which in turn refers to the local police.

Police said the male driver was arrested by armed officers. Right on the scene.

The driver is suspected of “causing unlawful damage,” police representatives noted.

It is also known that the detainee was sent to the hospital. The incident is currently under police investigation.

Previously, in Tanzania, 9 people died because of a sea turtle, 8 of them were children.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.