
Elmar and Brito consolidate alliance in meeting with Lula’s ministers


Deputies Elmar Nascimento (União-BA) and Antonio Brito (PSD-BA) met on Monday night (9) with ministers from the Lula government and deputies from both parties and sealed an agreement to maintain the candidacies for the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies.

“When we work together, we can go further. United by something greater: the commitment to building a Brazil where dialogue and understanding make a difference”, wrote the deputies in posts made on social media.

The dinner was held at the home of Minister Celso Sabino, of Tourism, and was attended by Juscelino Filho, Minister of Communications. Both are affiliated with União Brasil.

The expectation is that ministers will act as government interlocutors in .

The decision to maintain the two candidacies was taken after the race as a way of paving the way to make Hugo Motta’s (Republicanos-PB) candidacy viable.

According to dinner participants, the meeting consolidated the Brito-Elmar alliance as a “pro-government” front in opposition to Hugo Motta, who currently has the support of the PP, PL and Republicans.

It was agreed that the candidacies of Elmar and Brito will be maintained until, later on, there is a definition of just one of the two names to compete for the position of president of the Chamber.

The Union and the PSD seek to attract party support by building the image of a new democratic center. With this, the objective is to face the alliance that has the support of Marcos Pereira, Ciro Nogueira (PP-PI), Valdemar Costa Neto (PL) and Jair Bolsonaro (PL)

Among the parties coveted by Elmar and Brito is the PT, which has not yet formally taken a position on . The party is represented in the Chamber by 68 deputies.

The Brazilian Federation of Hope, which elected president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), is formed by PT, PCdoB and PV and has 80 deputies.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.