Even with the suspension of X, regulation of social networks should be the responsibility of the next president of the Chamber | Blogs
Amid increasing pressure on the National Congress for stricter rules involving the regulation of social networks, the matter should only be left for next year.
In the wake decreed by Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) and ratified by the First Panel of the Court, deputies heard by the CNN they have been saying behind the scenes that the matter should only be left until after the elections that will define the succession of the president of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (PP-AL).
The assessment of deputies involved in the matter is that there would not be enough time for discussions while parliamentarians are organizing for Lira’s succession in command of the House and that the matter should only be taken up again by the next president of the Chamber.
The reading is that there is “no one” in the Chamber, since the deputies are focused on their electoral campaigns, and that by the end of the campaign, “X could be back”, which would be responsible for cooling the subject.
In June, Lira created a working group to discuss the regulation of social networks with 20 parliamentarians from the most diverse ideological backgrounds.
The group replaced the processing of the so-called Fake News Law Project, which was under the rapporteurship of Orlando Silva (PCdoB-SP), because, according to the president of the Chamber, the project was “contaminated” by ideological discussion.
The project faced a lot of resistance from parliamentarians opposing President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.