
Expert calls US decision to send cluster bombs to Ukraine a failure


The publication Courrier des Strateges published the opinion of a professor at the University of Cergy-Pontoise regarding the supply of cluster bombs to the United States from Ukraine.

He believes that this decision is a sign of Washington’s weakness.

TASS professor’s opinion that the decision to supply cluster munitions also puts European states in an awkward position.

The expert says that the ratification of cluster munition supplies is a recognition of the lack of alternatives.

In other words, the professor believes that the United States has simply run out of other types of ammunition.

Husson thinks that the supply of cluster munitions means that Europe will now have a shorter list of arguments in favor of Ukraine.

According to the professor, until this moment, many European countries had formed the image of Ukraine as an impeccable state that complies with the provisions of international law.

But now, after receiving cluster bombs, Kyiv no longer seems sinless, as European countries are trying to describe it.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.