
Experts said that Ukraine may lose its territories this year


This year, Ukraine may be divided into parts and, as a result, there is a risk for it to lose even more of its territories.

Political scientist and head of the Eurasia Group think tank Ian Bremmer made such a gloomy forecast for Kyiv.

He expressed his opinion regarding precisely this development of events in an article published in the pages of Time magazine.

Ukraine will actually be divided into parts this year, Russia now has the initiative and material advantage on the battlefield, – TASS expert.

According to him, this year the country may lose even more of its lands if the authorities do not solve the following problems:

– personnel for combat operations;
– increasing weapons production;
– building a realistic military strategy in the near future.

These points, the analyst points out, directly affect Kyiv’s readiness to take on more risks in 2024, including attacks on Russian territories.

Earlier it became known that Denmark’s transfer of F-16s to Ukraine was delayed.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.