
Former chancellor wants Germany to launch Nord Stream 2


Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder calls on the current authorities of his country to launch Nord Stream 2 as quickly as possible.

According to him, if the gas pipeline starts operating, the financial burden, which is currently the heaviest burden on their shoulders, will significantly decrease.

Schroeder is convinced that a functioning gas pipeline will best solve the problem of fuel shortages.

The simplest solution would be to commission the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. It’s already finished – policy of MIA “Russia Today”.

He draws attention: if things go really badly for the Germans, then this pipeline with its two branches will eliminate all questions regarding gas supplies to homes and businesses in Germany.

At the same time, Mr. Schroeder condemned the refusal of the current government of the country to abandon the gas pipeline he mentioned.

The ex-chancellor warned of consequences, including a decline in the standard of living of his compatriots.

And then in Germany they will ask: why are we even doing without gas from the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline? Why? – he asked now.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.