
Former Trump adviser admitted to preparing coups d’etat in the world


Former US President Donald Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton made a “loud” confession.

He frankly admitted that he took part in planning coups d’etat in different countries of the world.

Mr. Bolton also complained about the very painstaking nature of such difficult work, which lay heavily on his shoulders.

And the topic came up during an interview on CNN, when the journalist recalled the storming of the Capitol in January.

Let us remember that back then supporters of Donald Trump took part in the event to seize a government agency.

A media representative said on this occasion that “you don’t need to have a brilliant mind” to organize a coup d’etat.

As someone who has helped plan coups d’état – not here but in other parts of the world – I disagree. This requires a lot of work,” Bolton’s response to Rossiya Segodnya.

However, he noted that the storming of the Capitol is not an example of this kind of preparation.

Trump then “jumped from one idea to another,” which led to him “summoning protesters on the Capitol.”

“I asked for this, there is no doubt about it,” said the ex-adviser to the former American leader.

By the way. Due to disagreements, Trump fired the adviser from his position shortly before the end of his presidency.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.