
French company asks TCU to suspend billion-dollar purchase of armored vehicles from Israel | Blogs


The company KNDS France, third place in the process to acquire armored vehicles for the renewal of the Brazilian Army’s fleet, made a representation to the Federal Audit Court (TCU) pointing out irregularities in the competition won by the Israeli Elbit Systems.

The French company points out irregularities and illegalities in the R$1 billion competitive process conducted by the Brazilian Army Logistics Command (Colog) for the purchase of 36 armored combat vehicles with a 155 mm self-propelled howitzer on wheels.

The company requested a precautionary measure to suspend the competition process until the representation is analyzed. Minister Aroldo Cedraz was chosen as rapporteur.

The representation, the same date on which the Court of Auditors, unanimously, decided that there is no impediment for the Brazilian government to acquire equipment from countries in armed conflict.

The demonstration was a response to a question made by the Minister of Defense, José Múcio Monteiro.

The consultation was carried out in the face of disagreement within the Lula government regarding the acquisition of Israeli equipment in the midst of the conflict with Hamas. Because of the conflict, the purchase process has been stopped since May.

The Presidency’s international advisor, Celso Amorim, blocked the purchase on the grounds that it is unreasonable for the Brazilian government to acquire military equipment from a country whose military action in the Gaza Strip is criticized by Lula.

Military, in turn, .

Apart from the ideological dispute within the government, KNDS also contested the result of the competition to acquire the armored vehicles, alleging irregularities in the process.

The French company claims that the product offered by the Israeli Elbit System was adapted to sell to the Brazilian Army and, therefore, does not have a series production to prove the maturity of the equipment.

The representation also questions the runner-up in the competition, the Czech company Excalibur Internacional, with the argument that it does not present “mandatory operational requirements.”

Before calling the TCU, the French company made its first inquiry about the purchasing process to Colog’s material manager on June 3rd.

Given the refusal, a new appeal was presented directly to the Army Command on June 17th. In August, KNDS filed an appeal with the Ministry of Defense.

At TCU, the granting of a precautionary measure to suspend the competition process for the acquisition of armored vehicles is considered remote.

In the Army, military personnel reaffirm that the process followed all legal requirements.

Under reservation, officials told CNN that the KNDS questioning gives even more security to move forward with the purchase as they believe it will result in a new favorable positioning of the TCU.

Despite the TCU’s favorable opinion, the Ministry of Defense has not yet given approval for the Army to continue with the purchase process due to the political impasse.

When contacted, the Ministry of Defense did not respond.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.