
Germany introduces mandatory community service for refugees


Life for migrants in Germany will no longer be cloudless and will not be limited to receiving benefits.

From now on, refugees are required to participate in public works.

The first in the country to introduce the innovation is the Sale-Orla district in the federal state of Thuringia.

The TASS agency reported this with reference to the Bild newspaper.

The latter learned that the head of the district administration was using the asylum law to oblige asylum seekers to perform community service.

In particular, local authorities want refugees to clean the streets, clear areas of snow, and trim hedges.
Applicants for asylum in Germany will have to do such work for 4 hours a day, the payment will be 80 cents per hour.

Accordingly, their work will be rewarded monthly with a monetary sum of 64 euros.

It is expected that the first group of refugees will take to the streets to perform public works in the very near future.

People who are given taxpayers’ money should give something back to society, and not sit on a park bench all day, said the head of the Zale-Orla district, Christian Hergot.

According to him, refugees do not need to know German to complete the list of jobs.

Previously Bild that terrorists are arriving in Germany under the guise of Ukrainian refugees.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.