
Government already has an action plan ready for the Climate Authority, says Marina Silva


The Minister of the Environment, Marina Silva, said, this Wednesday (11), that the government has already prepared the first version of an action plan for the Climate Authority, which should be created based on a provisional measure.

The minister did not provide details of the document. However, she stated that it will have guidelines that involve the participation of other departments, such as the Ministry of Cities.

“We want an institution that is sufficiently robust from a quality point of view and a technical-scientific committee that will provide support, bringing together the best in Brazilian science”, he explained.

The statement was given during the 5th Meeting of the G20 Bioeconomy Initiative, in Rio de Janeiro.

Action of the Authority

The new structure was a commitment made by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) during the election campaign. The Climate Authority will work on articulating and formulating policies aimed at tackling climate-related problems.

Along with this measure, the government must also draw up the so-called climate emergency statute, aimed at the most vulnerable municipalities.

“This condition can be recognized. From this, you have to present a plan, present a short, medium and long-term program”, added the minister.


Asked about short-term actions against fires, Marina added that the federal government has already made decisions, highlighting the creation of two bases of operations in the Pantanal and four in the Amazon.

These bases, according to the minister, work in partnership with state governments, which aim to impose fines and inhibit the process of setting fires in the regions.

“The government is doing it. Since January last year, we have been able to mobilize all resources because we have been preparing since the transition.”

This Wednesday, the government created two groups to combat the fires:

  • the National Integrated Fire Management Committee
  • and the Integrated Multi-Agency Center for Federal Operational Coordination (Ciman).

The actions were published in the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU).

In an interview with Rádio Norte FM, President Lula explained that the government wants to think about the climate issue in a different way. “We want Brazilian society — from society to a favela, from an air-conditioned office to a factory — for everyone to be committed to taking care of planet Earth, to taking care of the land it lives on,” he said.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.