
Government prepares environmental package against fires to present to the UN | Blogs


The Lula government is preparing a package of environmental measures aimed at combating climate crises.

The idea is that they will all be implemented by September 21st, when the president will make an announcement.

The details of the measures were made to the blog this Thursday by the Minister of the Environment, Marina Silva.

Among them, a provisional measure to implement what has been internally called the “Legal Statute of the Climate Emergency”.

“It embodies the idea of ​​a permanent climate emergency. It will foresee, in the regions identified by Cemaden as susceptible to climate crises, the possibility that an emergency situation will be declared before the disaster happens”, Marina told the blog.

She explains how it works. “The mayor, with the Cemaden data in hand, will be able to request the declaration of a climate emergency and the Federal Government, based on data crossing, recognize this state of emergency”, added the minister.

“From there, the municipality and ministries can anticipate social, environmental, economic and logistical measures to contain the effects of the climate emergency when it arrives. It allows, in practice, early risk management and not post-disaster management. It ends up reducing damage and being cheaper”, added Marina.

According to her, the text has been worked on with control institutions such as the TCU and the CGU.

“We spoke with control institutions to ensure good governance and compliance with these measures, because the climate emergency can be declared and not be confirmed later. But it is better to take measures in advance, even if they do not occur, than to contain the damage later”, stated the minister.

Other measures

In addition to the statute, the government also prepares the National Fire Fighting Plan. A draft of the document is already at the Civil House for review and the idea is for it to be published this month.

The Provisional Measure, which will establish the Climate Authority, is also being prepared and should be published in the next few days. The function will be housed within the Ministry’s organizational chart.

Marina also said that she does not have a defined name, but assured that it will be someone technical, with training in the area.

A fourth measure under development is the creation of a technical-scientific committee with government segments that will help evaluate and anticipate the management of climate crises. This is an administrative measure that must be signed by President Lula through a decree or interministerial ordinance.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.