
Government websites suffer from instability this Wednesday (11); situation is normalized, says ministry


The Ministry of Management reported that the portal experienced instability on Wednesday afternoon (11).

Websites such as the Planalto Palace, the Ministries of Justice, Transport, Foreign Affairs and Human Rights were affected.

According to the Management department, the problem was resolved and the portals returned to normal operation. The reason for the system failure has not yet been announced.

According to the ministry, accounts and platforms that run digital public services were not impacted at any time.

Government electronic system

The system was developed by the Federal Regional Court of the 4th Region (TRF4) and is used to manage institutional processes and documents electronically.

It is through the Electronic Information System (SEI) that the vast majority of federal documentation, such as ordinances and standards, circulates.

It allows the production, editing, signing and processing of documents both between different sectors of the same institution and between different bodies, regardless of the physical distance between them.

Among the benefits of SEI are greater agility and transparency, simultaneous action by several units in the same process and reduced costs in document administration.

Document structure

The system is part of the National Electronic Process (PEN) initiative, which seeks to build a public structure of electronic documents, freeing institutions from using paper as physical support for internal processes and communications.

The SEI can be accessed by different types of equipment, such as notebooks, personal computers, tablets and cell phones. Ordinary citizens can also access, through the system, certain documents or contracts that concern them.

In July of this year, e was off the air for a period.

At the time, the Federal Police (PF) and the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin) opened investigations to investigate the case.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.