
Greece set a temperature record of +44.6 degrees Celsius


Meteorologists in Greece recorded a temperature record. The absolute maximum air temperature was +44.6 degrees Celsius.

The record was set on the Peloponnese Peninsula, but experts warn that this is not the limit and the temperature will rise by 1-2 degrees in the next 24 hours.

Representatives of the National Athens Observatory spoke about this.

So last Friday the air temperature rose above +40 degrees Celsius, which is confirmed by 107 weather stations in Greece.

In Athens, due to the heat, a special room with air conditioning was equipped and opened.

Here the homeless and any other population groups can spend time during periods of extreme heat.

At the same time, fire services warned about the risk of fires. A ban on making fires has been introduced.

According to weather forecasters, this summer in Greece will be remembered in the history of meteorological observations as one of the hottest in several decades.

The heat wave will peak this Monday. In some places the thermometer can rise to 45-46 degrees.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.