
Gunzburg explained why the EU may not recognize the Sputnik V vaccine


The Russian vaccine against a new type of coronavirus infection may not be recognized in EU countries due to existing differences in legislation.

This point of view was expressed by the director of the Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Alexander Gintsburg.

Despite the fact that the vaccination campaign has once again proven the safety and effectiveness of the Russian development, the process of recognizing the vaccine has not moved forward.

Officials of the European Medicines Agency and the World Health Organization prefer not to notice the successes of vaccination with the drug against coronavirus infection “Sputnik V,” Alexander Ginzburg said in an interview with “Evening Moscow”.

If the drug recognition process had been based on the performance of Sputnik V, then things might have looked different.

Practice shows that the Russian vaccine forms reliable protection for the body against a number of mutations of the virus, but representatives of “EMA and partly WHO do not want to see this.”

At the same time, Alexander Ginzburg draws attention to the fact that so far practically no medical product produced in Russia has been recognized by the European community.

This may be due to differences in the laws of Russia and the EU.

Because of such “irregularities,” there are reasons to find fault with the Russian drug, the expert noted.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.