
Hungarian Prime Minister declares victory in elections


The head of the Hungarian government, Viktor Orban, announced the victory of his party “FIDES – Hungarian Civil Union” in the parliamentary elections.

The event took place on Sunday, April 3.

On his page on the social network Facebook*, the Prime Minister noted that “We won!”

According to TASS, the leader of the Hungarian opposition, Peter Marki-Zay, the mayor of the city of Hodmezovasarhely, admitted that the coalition he led was defeated.

“We recognize the victory of Fidesz,” the news agency quotes the mayor.

According to the National Elections Office, after processing 96% of the ballots, Orbán’s party, along with allies from the Christian Democrats, received 53% of the party list votes.

Both of these parties won in 88 single-member constituencies.

Thus, they will have 135 of the 199 seats in parliament. They also retain a constitutional majority of 2/3 votes.

Viktor Orban spoke in Budapest in connection with the success, noting that his party won “such a big victory that it will certainly be visible even in Brussels.”

* Social network recognized as extremist in Russia

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.