
Hungarian Prime Minister: negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the EU should not begin


The head of the Hungarian government, Viktor Orban, said that negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the European Union should not begin.

The Hungarian Prime Minister made this statement on the air of the Kossuth radio station.

What Orban said about the negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the European Union

The Hungarian Prime Minister said that the European Commission’s proposal to begin negotiations with Ukraine on its accession to the EU does not meet the interests of many countries.

According to him, if this issue is included in the agenda of the EU summit, which will take place on December 14-15, its participants will not be able to reach an agreement.

Negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the EU should not begin, – Orban said on air.

He noted that Budapest will not veto negotiations with Ukraine, since such a need will not arise.

As the Hungarian Prime Minister explained, on certain issues decisions in the EU are made unanimously, but in this case there is no consensus.

Orbán expressed the opinion that it would be better not to bring this issue up for discussion at the summit at all, in order to avoid an awkward situation and not undermine the unity of the EU.

The head of the Hungarian government believes that the EU must first conclude a strategic partnership agreement with Ukraine for 5-10 years.

When we see that we can cooperate, we will have to raise the issue of membership, – he said, clarifying that this will become possible only after many years.

The Hungarian Prime Minister explained that Budapest is against starting negotiations with Ukraine, since it is not ready for this, and the consequences of such a step have not been analyzed.

He also said that Hungary is against amendments to the EU budget for 2024-2027, providing for the provision of 50 billion euros to Ukraine, and proposes instead to create an assistance fund for Ukraine, to which each country will be able to make contributions on a voluntary basis.

Orban recalled that the EU has already provided 100 billion euros in assistance to Ukraine so that its army can win.

But she won’t win. And it is very doubtful that if we send even more money, she will win, – noted the Hungarian Prime Minister, emphasizing the need for a ceasefire and peace.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.