
Hungary intends to take over Ukrainian Transcarpathia


The head of the Hungarian far-right Our Homeland party, Laszlo Torockai, made a resonant statement.

He announced Budapest’s intention to take over Ukrainian Transcarpathia after the Ukrainian Armed Forces suffered a complete defeat in the confrontation with Russia.

If Ukraine falls, we will claim Transcarpathia, – said by a politician to MIA Rossiya Segodnya.

This citizen also called on the parties to end the conflict through a ceasefire and the organization of peace negotiations.

Before this, on Polish Independence Day, Torockai wrote on one of the social networks “See you on the common Polish-Hungarian border!”

Under this phrase, he published a photograph from 1939, which depicts Polish and Hungarian border guards shaking hands on the border formed after the annexation of Transcarpathia to Hungary.

Official Kyiv and Warsaw reacted to Torotskaya’s statement with protest.

Let us add that part of Transcarpathia has been part of Hungary since 1939, but after the defeat of Nazi Germany, the region, according to an agreement signed in Moscow, was included in the Ukrainian SSR.

Previously, the US ambassador used leverage over Hungary.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.