
Ideology will not satisfy anyone’s hunger, says re-elected mayor of Salvador to CNN


The re-elected mayor of Salvador, Bruno Reis (União Brasil), in an interview with Live CNNstated that “ideology will not satisfy anyone’s hunger”.

Reis, who won 78.67% of the votes in last Sunday’s municipal elections (6), argued that work is the key to solving the city’s problems.

When asked about the political polarization in Bahia, Reis declared: “I am neither left nor right. What will solve it is work. It’s about you doing work that can transform, truly change people’s lives.”

Focus on the city’s daily life

The mayor emphasized that voters are concerned about who will take care of the city’s daily life.

“When people choose the mayor, they are worried about who will take care of the day-to-day life of the city, who will effectively guarantee public transport, guarantee the doctor at the health center, guarantee that school meals, that popular restaurants operate distributing free food”, he explained.

Reis highlighted that his flag is work and that his alliance is with the people of the city. “I want to have an alliance with the people of the city. That’s why we had a vote of almost 80%”, he stated, highlighting the significant electoral result even in a state where the PT has a strong presence.

Transformation of Salvador

The re-elected mayor also highlighted the positive changes that occurred in Salvador during his administration.

“The city in Brazil that has transformed as much as Salvador, that has changed as much for the better as Salvador. So people realize, we have legacies in all areas, we have made a lot of progress in all sectors”, he declared.

Bruno Reis concluded by stating that, in Salvador, people choose more based on the candidate’s history and trajectory than on the discussion between left and right.

“I don’t think (this polarization) will lead anywhere”, concluded the mayor.

Texts generated by artificial intelligence in CNN Brazil are made based on video cuts from newspapers in their programming. All information is investigated and checked by journalists. The final text is also reviewed by the journalism team at CNN. .

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.