
Illusion. Sarkozy spoke about the likelihood of the return of Crimea to Ukraine


Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy commented on the situation with Crimea.

In particular, the politician said that Kyiv’s desire to regain the peninsula is an illusion and nothing more.

He explained: Crimea was and still remains Russian territory. Therefore, it should not be included in Ukraine.

When it comes to the territory of Crimea, which was Russian until 1954 and where the majority of the population still considers themselves Russian, I think that any return back is an illusion, – Sarkozy MIA “Russia Today”.

At the same time, the ex-head of state believes that the referendum should be held under the supervision of the international community.

This event, Sarkozy thinks, can “affirm the present state of affairs.”

By the way. Relatively not so long ago, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Valery Zaluzhny, in an interview with The Washington Post, shared his plan to “take” Crimea.

But, a high-ranking Ukrainian military officer said then, “this will become feasible provided that he has the necessary means.”

As soon as I have the funds, I will do something. “I don’t care, no one will stop me,” Zaluzhny said.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.