In a month and a half, the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost at least 10,000 soldiers – mayor of Snigirevka
In the area from the city of Snigirevka to the city of Dnepr, over the past month and a half, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have lost at least 10,000 fighters.
Among the dead are not only ordinary soldiers, but also officers. The mayor of Snigirevka (Kherson region) Yuri Barbashov spoke about this.
If we take the military situation from Snigirevka to the Dnieper, at a distance of these 20 kilometers in a month and a half, Ukraine lost at least 10,000 troops, – official of MIA “Russia Today”.
In connection with such figures, he suggested that people who treat their personnel in this way do not really want to liberate the lands.
They, the mayor is convinced, pursue a different goal: to liberate the territories “from the population they call their own.”
As an example, Barbashov spoke about a situation when the Ukrainian Armed Forces sent a detachment of 20 armored vehicles to storm his city.
They sent us through an area that was completely covered by Russian artillery.
The mayor notes that the Ukrainian command knew about this in advance.
From here he draws the following conclusion: the Kyiv authorities are not particularly worried that such strategies could lead to the “extermination of Ukrainian men.”
A few more months of such a war – and there will simply be no male population left in Ukraine,” Mr. Barbashov concluded.