
In China, 21 runners died during an ultramarathon: what happened


A tragedy occurred in the Chinese province of Gansu: 21 athletes died during the competition.

On Saturday, April 22, an ultramarathon was held in the region – a run over a distance of 100 kilometers.

The athletes competed in difficult conditions: difficult terrain and freezing rain.

The latter caused the death of more than 20 people, foreign media reported.

There are also casualties: eight athletes required medical assistance.

It is noted that yesterday morning weather conditions in China allowed the competition to be held.

However, by the middle of the day the weather worsened sharply: strong winds began and hail began to fall.

Many runners’ body temperatures plummeted, causing them to feel unwell.

The competition was interrupted and later completely cancelled.

For some time, the organizers and rescuers were unable to find several missing athletes.

Their bodies were later discovered. It is reported that all the dead froze to death.

172 athletes took part in the competition. 151 of them were saved. 21 people died.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.