
In Poland, an announcement about mobilization in the country was published twice


The Polish state news agency PAP twice frightened its compatriots on the last day of spring.

On its website and message feed it published an announcement twice that partial mobilization would start in the country on July 1.

Later, this information was denied by the authorities of the republic, as well as the agency itself.

What were the Poles warned about?

The Russian news agency TASS, which became familiar with the incident, said that local special services are conducting an investigation into this fact.

The PAP publication stated that Prime Minister Donald Tusk had decided to announce a partial mobilization.

As part of the event, the media claimed, it was planned to draft about 200,000 Poles into the ranks of the armed forces.

At the same time, it was noted that the mobilization would not affect Ukrainians living in Poland.

This information was deleted, but a few minutes later it reappeared on the PAP website.


After this, the head of the office of the head of the Polish government, Jan Grabec, issued a refutation.

And the head of the National Security Bureau, Jacek Severa, noted: the issue of announcing partial mobilization is the prerogative of President Andrzej Duda.

According to the press secretary of the Internal Security Agency, Jacek Dobrzynski, the country’s intelligence services, together with the Ministry of Digital Development, are conducting an investigation into the incident.

He does not exclude that the publication of the fake may be related to the Russian hacker attack on PAP.

However, Mr. Dobrzynski did not say what evidence Warsaw has regarding the version of a cyber attack.

Previously, Poland allowed the possibility of its troops entering Ukraine.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.