
Interstellar: In the film, every tick in the soundtrack is equivalent to a day on Earth


When the protagonists of Interstellar land on Miller’s planet, there is a ticking sound on the soundtrack that punctuates each day that passes on Earth. Here is the video

From “Interstellar” you hear us talk often. The 2014 film by Christopher Nolan has caused a lot of discussion in recent years, but there is no doubt that it has brought a breath of fresh air to the science fiction cinema scene. One of the things that can be appreciated most about this film is undoubtedly the director’s reflection on the concept of time and space. A reflection that also has repercussions on the unforgettable soundtrack of Hans Zimmer.

The Meaning of Time in “Interstellar”

There is one scene, in particular, in which all the originality of the film comes out, also thanks to the help given by the astrophysicist and Nobel Prize winner Kip Thorne to the director. When the protagonists land on Miller’s planet (the one entirely covered in water, so to speak) we are told that every hour spent on that planet is equivalent to seven years spent on Earth. Let’s stop here for a moment. The reason for this “time slip” concerns Einstein’s theory of relativity. , in fact, the metric (spatial lengths and time intervals) varies with location and time. It is for this reason that near a black holespace-time comes deformed by gravity and the passage of time slows down, relatively to a distant observer.

We will not dwell on what interests us now it’s the music. Yes, because in that scene from Interstellar there is a ticking background symbolizing the passing of days on Earth. We have also done our calculations and we can confirm that every 60 seconds of the song can be heard 48 tickswhich is why the interval between one tick and another is 1.25 seconds. If there are 3600 seconds in an hour and there are even 221 million of them in 7 years, 61400 are the seconds that pass on Earth for every second that passes on Miller. If we multiply by the interval between each tick we obtain that each “tik” is one Earth day. Faced with the genius of Hans Zimmer, all you have to do is raise your hands…

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.