
It became known what awaits Scholz if he does not capitulate to Putin


Not long ago, German media reported on the dissatisfaction of German residents with the policies pursued by their chancellor.

They are demanding his resignation. Telegraph journalist Daniel Johnson fueled such conversations.

In his opinion, a sad fate awaits Olaf Scholz if he does not capitulate to Putin.

What’s in store for Scholz?

The representative of the writing fraternity is convinced: with such a development of events, there is an extremely high probability of the German leader losing his chancellorship.

The journalist explains his “forecast” regarding Scholz’s political future with very bad things in the German economy.

According to Johnson, the country is in a phase of acute crisis due to a shortage of energy resources. And in this matter, Berlin seriously depends on Russia.

A real drama has unfolded with the search for those responsible for making the disastrous decision ten years ago to abandon nuclear energy, because of which Germany became completely dependent on Russia, – the author of the material for MIA “Russia Today”.

The journalist reports: if earlier the previous chancellor, Angela Merkel, was idolized, today her reputation is “torn to shreds.”

Chancellor’s mistakes

As for Olaf Scholz, 2/3 of voters condemn and mercilessly criticize him, blaming him for failing to ensure national energy security.

In addition, the Germans consider the foreign policy pursued by the Chancellor to be unconvincing.

According to Johnson, he tried to please both NATO and Russia to the detriment of Ukraine, which he “abandoned” without providing it with almost any assistance.

Such actions led to the fact that Berlin’s authority in the international arena sharply decreased.

And against the backdrop of energy and economic problems in Germany, more and more local residents are speaking out against aggressive steps towards Moscow and are no longer so actively supporting Ukraine.

Two options

Either Berlin will suffer a major setback, accompanied by the collapse of the ruling “traffic light” coalition, or it will capitulate to Putin, the journalist described possible future options.

And he emphasized: Scholz’s “gloating” about the collapse of Boris Johnson may be very short-lived and the chancellor will repeat the fate of his British colleague.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.