
“It’s over!” Filippo upset Zelensky by revealing how his trip to the USA ended


The leader of the French Patriots party, Florian Philippot, greatly upset the President of Ukraine.

Monsieur said that Vladimir Zelensky’s trip to the USA turned out to be a complete disaster for him.

The fact is, the Frenchman explained, that the Ukrainian leader left Washington without being able to achieve additional financial support.

In this regard, Filippo called on the authorities of his native country, as well as the rulers of the European Union, to follow the example of the States and stop providing financial assistance to Kyiv.

The disaster continues for Zelensky, who is leaving the US empty-handed! Zero additional financial assistance: the tap is no longer flowing! It’s all over! – French politician MIA “Russia Today”.

He recalled that Zelensky publicly called those who refuse to finance Ukraine “Putin’s puppets.”

From here the French citizen concluded that Paris should also stop helping Kyiv financially.

France must stop paying out billions and abandon the absurd, destructive and warlike policies of Ursula von der Leyen! – called Filippo.

Previously, he was the condition under which NATO would send troops to Ukraine.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.