
James Cameron believes the crew of the Titan bathyscaphe are dead


The director of the film “Titanic” James Cameron expressed his condolences to the Russian scientist Anatoly Sagalevich.

Sagalevich’s friend is a pilot on board the device.

“Cameron sent me his condolences as he knows about my friendship with Paul Nargeolet.”– RIA «Novosti» Sagalevich.

The director of “Titanic” also wrote that friends are leaving one by one. According to Sagalevich, Cameron believes that “the matter is over.”

According to the Russian scientist, Cameron did not provide additional comments regarding this incident.

The disappearance of the bathyscaphe was confirmed by OceanGate Expedidtions on Monday – the oxygen supply most likely remained for about one day.

This submersible is used for excursions to the wreck of the Titanic.

At the moment, it is unclear what condition the crew is in. Some media reported that at least five vessels were involved in the search operation.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.