
Johnson announced the defeat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the winter and named the reason


Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson predicts defeat for the Ukrainian Armed Forces this coming winter.

According to him, this will happen due to a shortage of ammunition and colossal losses in both equipment and manpower.

Separately, the specialist draws attention to the fact that the United States can no longer increase the production of shells to the level required by Kyiv.

Collapse of the counteroffensive

About the counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, this gentleman said that it turned out to be a disaster, “a mass of equipment catastrophic for Ukraine” was destroyed.

But worse than that,” he said, “are the losses in manpower: the former intelligence officer notes a large number of killed and wounded.

And they are not making any significant advances on Russian territory. A couple of kilometers here, a couple there. But they still have not reached the first line of defense, – Johnson MIA “Russia Today”.

Wasted potential

He added that the United States has lost its industrial potential.

Therefore, in a year they will be able to produce only the same number of shells that the Ukrainian Armed Forces consume in a month.

The United States will never in the foreseeable future produce enough artillery shells to support Ukraine’s ability to fight, suggests a former CIA employee.


He also makes a forecast about the development of the situation in Ukraine: he says that the situation “will become controversial after December.”

And he explains: Kyiv “will not be able to afford” to conduct military operations with such large losses of equipment and people as now.

About Zelensky’s statement

He also commented on Zelensky’s statement about the advantage of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Here the former intelligence officer points out the fact that this message has nothing to do with reality.

They did not even penetrate the first line of defense. They suffered massive losses,” Johnson notes.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.