
Kassab to CNN: Disparaging Lula is for those who don’t know politics


The national president of the PSD, Gilberto Kassab, made an analysis of the strength of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on the WW program, from CNNthis Tuesday (8).

Kassab stated that “despising Lula is for those who don’t know politics”, highlighting the current president’s electoral history.

According to Kassab, Lula has accumulated an impressive series of electoral victories: “He won five elections, then two with Dilma, now he is back”.

For the president of the PSDB, Lula has the ability to remain relevant on the national scene for decades.

Strength of the PT and social programs

Kassab acknowledged that, although the Workers’ Party (PT) is currently in a weaker position compared to other parties, there has been significant progress compared to the municipal elections four years ago.

“It is still very fragile, but it has made a lot of progress”, pointed out the PSD president.

The party leader also emphasized the impact of social programs implemented during Lula’s governments as an important electoral asset.

“A leader who served millions of families with Bolsa Família, millions of families with Minha Casa, Minha Vida, Luz para Todos and many other actions that few in Brazil have and that is still an electoral asset”, highlighted Kassab.

For Kassab, despite the challenges faced by the PT and Lula in recent years, the legacy of social programs and the political experience accumulated by the president are still relevant factors for his electoral strength.

This assessment indicates that, in the view of the PSD president, Lula remains a central figure in Brazilian politics, with the potential to influence future electoral elections.

Texts generated by artificial intelligence in CNN Brazil are made based on video cuts from newspapers in their programming. All information is investigated and checked by journalists. The final text is also reviewed by the journalism team at CNN. .

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.