
Kyiv has discovered a “plan B” in case of problems with Western assistance


Recently it became known about the existence of a “Plan B” in Ukraine, intended for implementation in case of problems with Western financing.

According to the document, if there is no external monetary assistance, Kyiv will resort to internal borrowing at the beginning of next year.

TASS reported this with reference to a statement by Vladimir Zelensky’s adviser on economic issues, Oleg Ustenko.


The expert is convinced that “Plan B” is nothing more than a safety net, since Kyiv has no doubt that it will receive “financial support” from the West.

And then Ustenko asks the question: when can Ukraine receive this support?

From here, the insurance option gradually turns into a harsh reality, which may well come very soon.

If this support does not come in the first days of January, this means that we need to move on to “Plan B,” the adviser explained the essence of what is happening.

According to him, this plan can be multi-level, however, the specialist says, at the first stage one can limit oneself to turning to the domestic market for finance.

“Side effect”

As a drawback of the plan, Ustenko named the high probability of additional tension in society during its implementation.

This will be very difficult, naturally, this may cause additional tension and even nervousness in the Ministry of Finance, since they are responsible for the country’s budget,” the economist admitted.

But he considers the “side effect” justified, since he believes that the plan will help “resolve the situation throughout January.”

Earlier, the media wrote that the leaders of the European Union did not agree on assistance to Ukraine at the summit in Brussels.

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.