
La Stampa: EU faces bread riot due to double-digit price rise


The Italian publication La Stampa warns that the European Union is facing a bread riot due to double-digit price increases.

Bread prices in the eurozone rose by a record 18%.

What will be the consequences

Journalist Emmanuele Bonini warned that the sharp rise in bread prices, which affected all countries of the community, could provoke popular unrest and a real bread riot.

The author of the article recalled that in the history of Italy, sharp increases in bread prices often caused riots.

As examples, Bonini cited the Fano popular uprising of 1971, riots in 1989 and the grain war in Turin in 1917.

The journalist concludes that a rise in bread prices can lead to “all possible consequences.”

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Vadim M
I'm Vadim, an author of articles about useful life hacks. I share smart tips with readers that help improve their daily lives.